Member-only story
Chapter Two. Part Three.
It’s Cricket! (Part 2 of 2)
The Best Days of Our Lives
“It’s cricket,” as he wondered towards his neighbours residence, Matthew James Fletcher pondered to him self with a broad smile on his face.
Curiously, whilst Fletcher was thinking about how Richard Roberts would be using his metaphorical cricket bat to score the perfect sex, the actual sport had been on his mind the entire time all through the summer holiday. It would be great, considering what the school sports department was offering, to play in a team sport he actually liked.
None of that basketball, football, or rugby for him. Just cricket. It’s the only sport, other than individually focused sports, that had ever interested Fletcher.
The first day back at school, for everyone, also meant determining which sporting activities would be selected for that term. To Fletcher’s horror, not that he really shouldn’t have expected it, cricket had not been one of the sports being offered during that particular term.
It was, as you might have guessed basketball, football, or rugby. Also, frustrating Fletcher further, none of the individually focused sports he enjoyed were being offered. It was just everything Fletcher detested.
“The only things I like,” Fletcher…