Nicely done. I like the way you approach the challenge word of the day. It made me think about my own life. and the direction it has taken. The title posses a question I have been struggling with for much of my life. City Life ... or Not.
I am certainly not a fan of small country communities simply because I have always felt trapped. I don't drive.
You reference cars in your drabble. The ever popular SUV. I can't say I have ever wanted to drive an SUV. I really can't say I have ever wanted to drive period.
Most rural areas require people to have a car and obviously know how to drive. Driving has never been something I have ever wanted in my life. I like trains and busses. Many rural areas have neither trains nor buses.
A happy compromise is the burbs. Close to city life but not too close. Many burbs give residents access to both buses and trains. This is a plus.